Affilbase Feature: Cydene App


With digital payment being the new norm in most countries, most transactions are carried out online swiftly with ease from anywhere in the world.
Household payments and energy bills are not left out as many people now pay their “NEPA” bills through bank apps and online payment platforms.

However, these platforms only focus on paying electric bills without accommodating other household expenses.

Luckily, this issue has been solved as a Nigerian company named Cydene Express took it upon itself to introduce a platform that provides digitized delivery of energy and utility products, through friendly requests and merchant drop offs.
It provides a fast way to not only order and
pay for your energy & household bills but it also serves as a medium to track your energy consumption & track expenses.
To make life easier for consumers, the app also connects you to different vendors, including your neighbourhood cooking Gas dealer.

If you don’t have enough money to pay for your expenses immediately, you can request and let your family & close friends handle the bill.
Their process is also 100% verified as they are
duly regulated and certified by the DPR & CBN.
Download the Cydene Express App to start living the soft life you have been dreaming of.

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